The talk for high school teens
As teenagers mature, they begin to claim independence over their lives…They begin to draw away from parental guidance and they start to make their own life decisions.
Critical stage of development
It is a critical stage in maturity, and teenagers need to develop high levels of self-respect and self-esteem to stand up to peer pressure and abusive/unfulfilling relationships.
Open communication is essential
At this time, you need to ensure that your teenager knows that they can come to you with any issue and you will approach it in an understanding, non-critical way.
You need to be their first point of reference, particularly when it comes to issues of sexuality and relationships.
Frank discussions
Now is the time to have a frank discussion with your teen regarding their sexual values. It is also extremely important to discuss things such as boundaries, contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) and HIV/Aids.
“Invincible” syndrome
Teenagers often have an ‘invincible’ perception of themselves and think that things like pregnancy or HIV won’t happen to them.
They are at a stage where they are beginning to experience life as an independent person, and will explore and experiment as much as possible. If you haven’t helped them to define boundaries, they will not be able to resist the temptation to explore dangerous territory.
Common questions teens ask
Some of the most common questions teenagers ask about sex include: “Is oral sex really sex?” “Can you get HIV/Aids from oral or anal sex?” “What is the morning-after pill?” “Can you get pregnant using the ‘withdrawal’ method?”
If your teenager asks you a question about sex that you don’t feel you can answer adequately, go on a journey of exploration to find the answer together. Search the internet and books and discuss the various answers you find.
Sex should be an open topic
Sex should be an open topic that should be discussed as easily as the weather, sport or the latest movie releases.
However, remember that just as different people have different opinions on the weather and sport, you and your child will sometimes have differing opinions on the topic of sex.
Try not to be judgemental of your teenager’s opinions because this will discourage him/her from coming back to you for information at a later stage.
Make sure that you approach the topic of discussion in an open-minded manner that will allow your teen to ask all of the questions (ridiculous as some of them may sound) that they need to.
Be their primary source of information
Remember that the more you teach your teen about sex, the less they will have to ‘discover for themselves’ in secret.
Have you ever wondered what a sexologist does? How do you know if you should see a sexologist? I’ve been a practicing sexologist for almost two decades, so let me share a little bit more about what I do everyday.
Continue ReadingAs teenagers mature, they begin to claim independence over their lives…They begin to draw away from parental guidance and they start to make their own life decisions.
Continue ReadingSexology is a professional and specialised area of therapy which explores the many physical and emotional reasons for sexual difficulties.
Anyone who has experienced relationship or sexual difficulties for a long period of time would benefit from seeking professional counselling.
According to a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 3 out of 10 men, and 4 out of 10 women, experience sexual problems.